Model Studies


Green Hippo Innovations have been involved in constructing physical and numerical models for numerous pump station inlet structures and inlet towers




Description of Model


Berg RiverConsultants
Berg River Project – Water supply toCape Town, South Africa. Outlet works.(Flow rate = 220 m³/s) Scale – 1:20  
Resolving the failure of the Paris Daminlet works: Vortex formation andpressure fluctuations in the inletpipes  
Ninham Shand
Model study of the Maguga dam regulating weir – Stabilisation of the releases  
Rand Water
Model study of the Vortex Protection Measures at Vereeniging Pump Station (ER 2), Filter House 2 suction manifold (Flow in manifold between 3,4 and 4,0 m³/s). Scale – 1:13,5  
Grootfontein Pump station in South Africa, (Flow per pump = 2,1 m³/s – four pumps). Scale – 1:6,5Problems were experienced since the commissioning of the pump station. The high wear on the pumps has been investigated before and model studies have previously been conducted to determine the probable factors that contributed to the pump failures.This model study investigated the following:

  • Evaluate the flow regime in the vertical shaft
  • Investigate the pre-rotation at the pumps
  • Evaluate the influence of proposed remedial works to the vertical shaft to improve the pump operation
Ashkelon Seawater Pump station, Israel. (Flow per pump = 2,4 m³/s, five pumps modelled). Scale 1:8In a pump station the three-dimensional flow regime in the sump can influence the efficiency of the pump and might even endanger its long-term operation. These flow conditions can be evaluated by conducting a model study with the objective to:

  • Evaluate the flow regime and vortex formation
  • tendency in the screen and pump sumps
  • Evaluate the rotational characteristics of the flow as it enters the pump and Investigate the velocity distribution in the pump shaft
Sheikh Zayed Pump Station in Egypt, (Flow per pump = 8,5 m³/s – 7 pumps). Scale 1:10The client has requested that a model study had to be performed with the objective to:

  • Evaluate the flow regime and vortex tendency in the pump sump
  • Investigate the formation of vortices
  • Evaluate the influence of the turning vanes on the inlet flow conditions and the velocity profile in the pump.
 Chanza Pump Station in Spain, (Flow per pump = 3,33 m³/s – 6 pumps). Scale 1:11,5. These pumps are vertical risers with a double entry  
Numerical and physical modelling of discontinuity requirements under an air valve for effective de-aeration performed in collaboration with the CFD lab of the University of Pretoria
Knight Piésold Consulting Engineers
Hydraulic assessment of the spillway and energy dissipation of the Neckertal Dam – Namibia NeckertalDam1NeckertalDam2
HydroAfrica, Maputo – Mozambique
Umbelusi pump station – solving the cavitation induced conditions upstream from the pump inlets UmbelusiPS1